

A company for the value of duty, which incarnates for the lives of many people

Tried, and did!

M3Bian is a startup company engaged in the IT sector in the business of distributing well-known brand products and public services regarding their electronic devices, whether they come from the company or not. This company also provides business development services through the creation of business applications and websites, as well as business advice and recommendation services through their highly competent and experienced IT expert staff. The company started with an order from a teacher named Lukman Hakim to fulfill the value of Entrepreneurship subjects at the Syafi’i Akrom vocational high school for his students. The pioneers of this company were his students who were still in class XI majoring in Software Engineering. The teacher told his students to form a group named after them as if they were starting a business.

One group contains a minimum of 4 people. And in the pioneer group that was already named M3Bian at that time were:

  • Muchammad Rizqi
  • Muhammad Nala Riziq
  • Muhammad Mundzir Tamam
  • Bian Tsalitsa Lintang Semesta

At that time they were assigned to create a static website about the tours in their city, Pekalongan City. It didn’t look very convincing, but with the help of skills that were quite competent at the time and the chemistry that was right, they were able to complete the task and were judged quite well by the assignor. Not long after, the teacher gave another task to create a cms website using wordpress about a village. The selected sub-district is one of the members of the group from. They chose the Kauman region, where Bian lives.

They just experimented and it turned out to be pretty easy. They really make a good mark on the value of the assignment. It was the last project they made before they graduated. Now M3Bian has grown into a leading company developed by one of its members. Yes, that’s me, Muhammad Mundzir Tamam. Now I try to present electronic products from well-known brands and also the services provided by our really competent staff.


Jl. KH. Akrom Khasani, Jenggot, Buaran, Pekalongan Selatan, Kota Pekalongan 51133

M3Bian is a startup company that has been initiated since 2020. This company started as a small group assigned to fulfill Entrepreneurship values ​​at a vocational school. Contains 4 ordinary people who come from different areas. Who are they?

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