

We are ready to provide services so that your experience with our company is better.

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Making applications and company websites or freelancers

By using our services, you can be creative in developing your business through the website or through desktop and mobile applications. We also provide a troubleshooting guarantee if later there are some errors that we haven’t had time to test. If you need creative services you can also contact our consultants to find the best program suggestions. To start collaborating, you can contact our coding team at the contact below.

Electronic computer warranty and service

If you find that the product from us that you purchased has a problem or error provided that it is not human error, you can apply for a guarantee if it is still available at our company. Apart from computers, we also provide services for any smartphone. If you are lazy to come to us, we are ready to provide a shuttle service for your product. All you have to do is send us your full address. Our services have received a fairly high rating as well. So you don’t have to worry, because our staff are all IT experts.

Get creative with the help of our IT staff and consultants

Everyone certainly cannot develop their business alone, so in our company there are several consultants who are ready to provide advice to you in overcoming your problems and provide recommendations for your business development plan. With our help, of course, your business will grow rapidly because our consultants are very experienced.

Contact us for better services?

Jl. KH. Akrom Khasani, Jenggot, Buaran, Pekalongan Selatan, Kota Pekalongan 51133

M3Bian is a startup company that has been initiated since 2020. This company started as a small group assigned to fulfill Entrepreneurship values ​​at a vocational school. Contains 4 ordinary people who come from different areas. Who are they?

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